I gave this post the above title for a reason. Here's a head up for all readers.
If you are easily offended, please do not read this post. This post may contains hurtful comments. To avoid any more controversies and public disorder, please leave this page.
(And if you haven't read the pilot post of this blog, please click here.)

Team Bee, which consist of myself, Kimmie, Eja and Dayah, were actually having fun organizing the campaign. To be honest, we were more focused on enjoying the moments, rather than making sure Alia Bee wins the election.(Sorry Bee.) Sure, we did everything we have to do for the campaign. But we prefer to use the unofficial poster above, than the one approved by the campus administrators (below and the first poster above). Yes, I think the official slogan is lame. Compared to our unofficial BEE-themed slogans, such as "Bee Progressive" or "Katakan Ya Kepada Alia" (Alia's nickname is Yaya) Of course, I didn't tell others that during the campaign. When we try to sell a product, we don't tell others that we hate it ourselves, that would be like sabotaging yourself.
Speaking of sabotaging, that what ruined the whole campaign. Someone, somewhere, somehow decided that it would be fun to instigate others to not vote for her over a silly old post of Alia's. Team BEE didn't think much into it, when the news reached us. We only deleted the post off the internet, and hope for the buzz to die down itself. (Get it? Bee. Buzz. Heh.) After all, the post only consist of 5 sentences, and it's more to like a bad day post and she didn't mention any names.
Still here? Well, don't say I didn't warn you. Just remember, everything that is written in this blog, or any other blogs, are protected by our Federal Constitution, Part II, Article 10, where it states that "every citizen has the right to freedom and expression". (I could mention a few more Acts from the law book, but you get the point.)
Here goes.

As some of you may know, there was a student body election held. And a friend of mine participated, after a little push from me and my other friends. We were anticipating a fun and exciting campaign week, we were really into in. We even named ourselves "Team Bee" and designed the whole campaign based on the theme "Bee". (Her name really is Alia BEE. No joke.).
I guess I can say that I'm most excited of all. I finished drawing her flyers even before they announced that Alia Bee is eligible to participate in the election. And she only decided to participate less than 24 hours before. Well, it's not really surprising actually, as I always doodle in class anyway. At least this time, my so-called talent is put into a good use.
The person who's behind this, let's call the person, erm, I'm not going to call the person "A" as that is my initial. I'm thinking of "J", but that doesn't sound nice. Oh well, the person isn't so nice considering what "J" did. Okay, maybe "J" noticed that the attempts to bring down Alia was not effective, so "J" decided to add some bad rumors and other things into it.
You know what the most hilarious part here? That they actually put in a lot of efforts to bring her down and the whole thing was planned earlier on before she decided to participate in the election. Why do I say this? Well, they printed the blog post. About 500 copies of it, or more. AND they stick it all over the cluster and bus stops. I'm not staying in campus, so I have to hear about this from my friends. The first thing that crosses my mind when I receive their texts was not "Shit. What am I going to do to counter this now?", it was "They did what? Impressive!". Oh, I forgot to mention. When you print out any page from the internet, there's the date of the day you print it on the bottom-right. So, we noticed that the date was 4 days before Team Bee even hear about the election, let alone thinking about participating.
Make you wonder what did Alia do to deserve such hatred, right? Well, I still can't put my finger on it. Not that I make much effort to, anyway. Even if the answer is right in front of my eyes, I wouldn't notice it, as I'm pretty much an ignorant person. Silly things like this doesn't usually get any of my attention. This one only does because it concerns my friend.
We didn't do much to counter the attacks. We revised her speech so that it contains the official statement and official apology to those who are offended by the blog post. We removed the blog copies. We talked to the campus director on this matter, and even showed him the copy. Which he snickered at, and making us feel irrelevant for taking this matter to him. That's pretty much it.
It's not that we can't do anything about it. We did look into it, playing spies, trying to unfold the mystery of who is responsible for it. (Oh yeah, thank you! I always wanted a valid reason to pretend to be a spy.) Turns out, all those spy cartoons and movies are proven useful, as we managed to figure out the real identity of "J". We just didn't do anything, because we're being the bigger person. Plus, if we do, that would be like lowering our standards down to their level. Urm, I'll pass. That doesn't mean we didn't prepare any counter-attack if they decided to continue. On contrary. Don't poke the beehive too deep, or else the bees will come out with their stings. (Yes, I know. I'm STILL a little caught up with the whole Bee analogy.)
So, although "J" managed to achieve to cause Alia Bee to lose the election, but Karma's a bitch. I will not elaborate any further. If only it doesn't involve others, I would like to pull a Nelson Muntz on them. I would like to love to, but I didn't.
And Alia Bee didn't actually lose much, as she's just recently appointed to be the secretariat. Yes, introducing the Information and Publicity Exco, Alia Bee Aziz Khan.
Yes, that's the irony. Who ever said "There's no such thing as a bad publicity", he/she is right.
I guess even the elected student body representatives decided to take advantage of the situation. After all, it was quite a scandal. Her blog is now famous, the ratings are up. Every time she walks by a group of students, they would suddenly start to whispers and points. (How very discreet. Haha.) Her current situation made her the most suitable person for the job.
Now, everyone on campus can follow her blog publicly. You don't have to follow it anonymously. You have a valid reason to do so now. Just blend in with the rest of the crowd, no one will notice it's you. Don't worry. We won't tell, if you won't. Haha.
So, for more updates on Alia Bee's blog, please follow this link. It's a new blog, because the old one, has been publicized too much, causing a lot of technical problems.
P.S.: Oh, this is quite a long post. I wonder how much ink it will cost to print this out. If you're offended by this post, please be reminded that I have provided enough warning. So, you entered at your own risks. Volenti non fit injuria.
P.P.S.: Dear Miss Alia Bee, we worked over time for your campaign. Don't we get any commission in any kind? *brows* H.O.K.!
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