Drink Tiger Beer; Eat Tiger Biscuit; Live like Tiger Woods. Oh, wait. Is it "Don't Live like Tiger Woods"?
Have you watched the 14 minutes statement about his indescretion yet? If not, (or if you want to watch it again) here's the videos.
So, what do you think about it?
My view? Well, it's not my problem. The media just making a huge buzz over it because he's rich and famous. Tiger's right, it's between him and his wife. If you're seriously hurt to find out that he cheated, multiple times, to his wife, let me ask you a question, did you know his wife's name is Elin before this whole charade? I didn't. I know he has a wife and kids. But that's all I know. I'm more interested in his golf. After all, that's what he is famous for, anyway.
Basic of harm principle, Tiger's transgression doesn't harm you. I really don't understand how it affects you. Unless, of course, you're a close relative of his.
Sure, maybe parents have the right to be disappointed at him. Parents chose Tiger Woods to be the role model for their children. He's successful, dedicated, a good person all around. Until, of course, his skeletons came out of the closet. Then, the parents start hating on him. I think it's ridiculous. Aren't the parents themselves should be the role models for their own children? Why passing the buck to someone else? You can feel disappointed, but don't start the blame game if you're children acting out. Blame it on yourself, you're the parents.
Right now, everyone all over the world mocking Tiger Woods in their blogs, videos and etc. Truth to be told, I laughed reading and watching them. It is entertaining. After the statement by Tiger Woods, the media start questioning his sincerity. I was like, "why does it even matter to you?". It's a PR thing to do, of course. For all public figures, if they do something wrong, they have to make a public statement, then make a public apology. Just to clear things up. Not to mention Tiger is in therapy, I bet its just another step in his therapy. Something he needs to do before he takes the next steps.
Speaking of therapy, its a wonder, isn't it, how every single thing can be solved through therapy. Everything is now a syndrome, a disease, or whatever they call it these days. I may need to start doing that too. I'll go to my lecturers and say "This is not laziness, I have an addiction, I'm addicted to not doing any assignment. I'm currently going through therapy to cure this."
Will that work?
Have you watched the 14 minutes statement about his indescretion yet? If not, (or if you want to watch it again) here's the videos.
So, what do you think about it?
My view? Well, it's not my problem. The media just making a huge buzz over it because he's rich and famous. Tiger's right, it's between him and his wife. If you're seriously hurt to find out that he cheated, multiple times, to his wife, let me ask you a question, did you know his wife's name is Elin before this whole charade? I didn't. I know he has a wife and kids. But that's all I know. I'm more interested in his golf. After all, that's what he is famous for, anyway.
Basic of harm principle, Tiger's transgression doesn't harm you. I really don't understand how it affects you. Unless, of course, you're a close relative of his.
Sure, maybe parents have the right to be disappointed at him. Parents chose Tiger Woods to be the role model for their children. He's successful, dedicated, a good person all around. Until, of course, his skeletons came out of the closet. Then, the parents start hating on him. I think it's ridiculous. Aren't the parents themselves should be the role models for their own children? Why passing the buck to someone else? You can feel disappointed, but don't start the blame game if you're children acting out. Blame it on yourself, you're the parents.
Right now, everyone all over the world mocking Tiger Woods in their blogs, videos and etc. Truth to be told, I laughed reading and watching them. It is entertaining. After the statement by Tiger Woods, the media start questioning his sincerity. I was like, "why does it even matter to you?". It's a PR thing to do, of course. For all public figures, if they do something wrong, they have to make a public statement, then make a public apology. Just to clear things up. Not to mention Tiger is in therapy, I bet its just another step in his therapy. Something he needs to do before he takes the next steps.
Speaking of therapy, its a wonder, isn't it, how every single thing can be solved through therapy. Everything is now a syndrome, a disease, or whatever they call it these days. I may need to start doing that too. I'll go to my lecturers and say "This is not laziness, I have an addiction, I'm addicted to not doing any assignment. I'm currently going through therapy to cure this."
Will that work?
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