How very efficient. May I know who's the brain behind this excellent, excellent system?
At this very moment, my eyes are swollen and very very itchy. I could barely hold the urge to scratch my eyes. My nose is red and runny. I just want to stuck a tampon up in them. My head feels heavy and so are my eyelids.
I can feel my body temperature burning up.
And I have an early class tomorrow, which I don't think I'll be healthy enough to attend. But I still have to go to campus anyway.
Why, you ask? Because of the super efficient system of our campus.
What did I mean by that? Well, attendance is compulsory in our campus. The only way we are allowed to not attend any lecture or tutorial is if we have an authorized letter approved by the administration or medical leave from government clinics or the campus' medical unit.
Sounds reasonable enough, doesn't it?
Well then, let me ask you. If you're sick enough to not be able to attend class, how can you be healthy enough to go to the clinic then? If someone is there to take you, it's okay. But what if you're alone? When you're healthy enough to go to the clinic to ask for a medical leave, the doctor surely would think you're healthy enough to go to class.
This is what I meant when I said I have to go to campus anyway. Since they demand a medical leave slip from a government medical practice, I cannot go to my family's doctor (which is nearby my house) and ask for one. It won't be valid. And if I go to a government hospital, which is just 10 minute drive from my house, well, let's just say we all know how efficient the government is. My only option to get a sick leave? To go to the campus' medical unit and ask for one.
Let me remind you, the campus is half an hour drive from my house, depending on traffic.
And I have to drive my own sick ass there. My parents are not available, and my siblings and I are all very independent. Apart from financial support, we don't really rely on our parents. We take care of ourselves.
Even when I was staying in campus, I never went to the medical unit when I was sick. Why? Because my room is on the fourth floor, unless they want me to roll down the stairs to their doorstep.
When I'm sick, I really am sick. I could barely walk out the door from my bed. Which is next to the bed. You expect me to walk down four flights of stairs when I could barely stand straight?
There was once when I visited the medical unit in the afternoon, when I already feel slightly better. I told the doctor, I was sick in the morning, so I didn't attend my class, therefore I need a medical slip for it. And what did she said to me? She accused me of lying, that I just want to skip my class.
I know. What the hell, right? There's a lot of students who go to the medical unit, fake a headache or tummy-ache, to skip class, and they were given the sick leave. But the students who were actually too sick to go there in the morning, were not given the sick leave.
A very efficient system. Isn't it?
I better go back to sleep. This screen is giving me a headache. And I have a long drive tomorrow.
I hope you get well soon. Yeah, sounds kinda catch-22, this system.