Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I study like a rockstar. And I'm not sure if I want to get a rockstar result for my finals. Because I'm not sure if rockstars get good results or not.

Last weekend, I did all things rockstar. Hahaha. Okay, I may overuse the 'rockstar' word a bit too much. (Ya think?)

Let me explain why. It's basically the theme for my cousin's surprise belated birthday party. Yes, Meldon turned 14. Our little Justin Bieber all grown up, so fast!

Anyway, on Friday, I went out for lunch with my high school mates at Warisan Square. Then, I received a call from Roxy, (or was it a text?) asking if they may borrow my place to do some preparation for the party. How can I refuse? At first, they were having doubts whether to ask for my help, as I have a paper on Sunday. But let's be honest here, I don't study that early. Haha.

So around 3 something, they came by to my house and brought me to Karamunsing to get some more materials for the tee. Viv had this idea to hand print 37 t-shirts ourselves. As door gift. Brilliant plan, right? *rolls eyes*

We went back to my place afterward, with all the materials and shit. Printing the design on sticker. Stenciling everything. Do you know how hard it is to stencil tiny words? Or any words at all? After stenciling them all, we realized we've made a boo-boo by printing it on the wrong side of the paper. It took us about 3 hours just to stencil on that sticky plastic-y paper. Yes. It's true. I was starting to think we won't make it in time. We changed the design a bit, and we printed it on my sticker paper instead. Which made it MUCH easier to stencil. Then, the handprinting part was darn easy.

Oh, did I mentioned that Roxy and I started to pretend that we were on a reality show? That there's cameraman capturing our every moves, and there's confession time. Because its a last minute planning and we have less than 24 hours to make it happen. Haha.

Here's the pictures after we finished them all. Around midnight I think.

The original design has "party like a rockstar" on top of the rockstar dude and "MELDON'S 14TH" instead of "Mel's 14th" with prettier fonts. The red one is for Mel.

Because its already late, and Meldon kept calling them asking where they are. Roxy and Viv left my place around 1 in the morning. Then, I continue doing some posters for Mel as part of the concert-theme-guitar-hero-inspired party decor.

It took me the whole night, because I procrastinate. I was distracted by the internet. Haha. Don't we all? Then, I took a 2-hours sleep before I get ready to pick Kim up.

I made plan with Kim, Eddy, Zeyr, Yaya, and Rose to watch KickAss. But I only found out later that only Kim and Eddy can make it. Yaya's mom is in town, so she's meeting her instead. Rose, well, she was still asleep at that time. And Zeyr lost both of his phones in the hostel.

Regardless how awkward it was with only three of us, the movie Kick Ass really kicked ass. We had late lunch at Secret Recipe afterward because all other restaurants in 1Borneo was full and I needed to get the cake for Mel anyway.

Oh, Zeyr joined us for a bit afterward. Then around 4.30pm I dragged Kim to 76. Roxy & Viv's place. We lend a hand to prep the place. Kim blows. balloons. Hahaha. Then, bla bla bla. Waited till around 7 for Mel to come home. Suprise! Talk, talk, talk. Guitar Hero. Cake. Sparkling candles.

Sorry, a bit too lazy to describe everything. I think it was kind of fun. For the 14 years olds (and some older friends of Mel). At least Mel enjoyed it. That's what important.

I sent Kim home around 9.30pm I think. Went home. Online. Tried to study. Failed as I fell asleep. Woke up at 2.38 a.m. Online. Tried to do some reading. Fell asleep on the book. Awake at 7 am. Online. Read some stuff. Take a shower. Texted Kim asking where she is (in church apparently). Drove to campus around 12. Had lunch with Yaya and Kim at Cool City, Indah Permai. Sit for exam at 2.15pm.

And that my friend, is how I prepared for the PAD204 exam.

Or as Viv would say it, I study like a rockstar.

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