UiTM Open Percussion Tournament
11 - 13 May 2010
UiTM Machang, Kelantan
What can I say about this trip? A short and energy draining trip, but it is also one hell of a crazy fun experience.
My brass band has always been the eclectic mix of all kind of madness. Each of us are different from one another, the only similarities we share are: same campus, same passion for music and open-mindedness. I'm pretty sure the last part is what bonds us. Made us easy to get along. Sure, we do have those moments where we just want to bitch-slap each other. But that's inevitable, right?
Anyway, in the word of a bandmate, Colleen Enime, "Eventhough we didn't bring victory to Sabah, we brought madness to Kelantan". And yes, we did exactly so. Paling manang!
Day 1.1: Depart to Destination
Flight MH 2637: BKI-KUL
02:30 hours journey
Mood: Too sleepy to give a damn

Flight MH 2637: BKI-KUL
02:30 hours journey
Mood: Too sleepy to give a damn
UiTM Coach: KLIA-UiTM Machang
0900 hours journey
Mood: Sugar rush with numb bum for sitting too long.
Day 1.2: Arrival at Destination
Place: UiTM Machang, Kelantan
Time of Arrival: 0732 hours
Mood: Greeted with the sounds of every other band practicing their routine. Feeling intimidated, but the headhunters inside us refuse to show it.
Place: UiTM Machang, Kelantan
Time of Arrival: 0732 hours
Mood: Greeted with the sounds of every other band practicing their routine. Feeling intimidated, but the headhunters inside us refuse to show it.
Day 1.3: Sundown Activities
Dinner at 2000 hours.
Location: Stall outside venue's compound.
Mood: If they make us wait any longer, we might consider cannibalism.
First Team Practice at 2200 hours
Location: Parking Lot behind THO College.
Mood: Feeling the pressure. Regretted that we didn't have proper preparation for the competition.
Day 2.1: The Rehearsal
First rehearsal at 0800
Location: Marching Lot neat CTU building
Mood: Another early day. Drained but pumped up. The start of the "tontolou kisi" joke.
Lunch at 1200
Location: THO College Canteen
Mood: Fooooooooooooooooooood!!
Second Rehearsal at 1400
Location: Same big ol' parking lot with fancy name.
Mood: Why are we torturing ourselves? It's scorching hot!
Day 2.2: The Party Crashers
Opening Ceremony Dinner at 2000
Location: I forgot the name of the hall, situated right below THO College.
Mood: The heat messed up our body wiring system. The peak of Sabahans' epic behaviour. (Yes, I'm calling it 'epic' instead of 'madness', 'shameless' or whatever words you'd prefer to describe us. I'm sorry if you don't like us turning the so-boring-it-felt-like-death event into a concert.)
Opening Ceremony Dinner at 2000
Location: I forgot the name of the hall, situated right below THO College.
Mood: The heat messed up our body wiring system. The peak of Sabahans' epic behaviour. (Yes, I'm calling it 'epic' instead of 'madness', 'shameless' or whatever words you'd prefer to describe us. I'm sorry if you don't like us turning the so-boring-it-felt-like-death event into a concert.)
P.S.: I remembered someone was taking a video of us. Who was it? And where can I get the copy?
The after-party at 2345
Location: Outside of the hall
Mood: WOO-HOO!
P.S.: Why are they pulling me? I can't remember.
Day 3: D-Day
The competition starts at 0730
Location: Where else? The big ol' parking lot.
Mood: They are going to thrash us. BAD. But they will still be jealous of how much we will have fun. Ah, those Tontolou Kisi has nothing on the Sabahans!
Sabah's turn as the last team to perform.
Mood: Blood pumped too much. Veins about to pop. But other teams seems to be supportive as they cheered for us. Thanks!
The closing ceremony at 1230
Location: Oh, the parking lot is called "Medan Ilmu"
Mood: It's over? It's over! WE SURVIVED! HOORAY!
Rantau Panjang at 1500
Mood: Finally, let's explore Kelantan! *when we reach there* Wait? After 2 hours, this is it?
Day 4: Return to Base
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